Jun 21, 2017 | exhibits, Fine Art, news
I am proud and honored to be part of the “Wanderlust Show” at the Dickerman Prints Gallery. This group show is truly inspiring! When you see the show in person, you will also enjoy the quality of the printing. Seth Dickerman truly did an amazing job...
Jun 16, 2017 | Fine Art, news
I was invited to present my project “Consequences” at the Asian Art Society of Monterey Bay. The room was packed. At the end of the presentation, I received some of the most touching comments, which put tears in my eyes: “Your images are about...
Jun 8, 2017 | Fine Art, news
I am very excited to announced that I have been selected to present at the Open Show/StreetFoto Festival on June 8th. OpenShow is a worldwide organization, which mission is to create a powerful feedback loop between the public, partner organizations and creators...
Jun 7, 2017 | exhibits, Fine Art, news
Wanderlust Wanderlust (n): a strong desire to travel For some, wanderlust manifests itself as an unquenchable thirst to explore life beyond your comfort zone. For others, it’s as simple as reading a book, taking a walk at lunch or going left instead of a right on the...
Jun 7, 2017 | exhibits, Fine Art, news
Reflect & Engage Digital Photography Exhibition June 3 – August 25, 2017 Opening Reception: Saturday, June 3, 7–9PM The Image Flow proudly presents Reflect & Engage, a group exhibition featuring 36 artists examining themes of identity and engagement through...
May 30, 2017 | exhibits, Fine Art, news
Reflect and Engage (Juried Show) The Image Flow proudly presents Reflect & Engage, a group exhibition featuring 36 artists examining themes of identity and engagement through digital photography. The images in this exhibition are activated through the...